Interview by ViuTV - Designers in Hong Kong.
ViuTV 節目《設計香港》專訪

Our work - Chung Ying Theatre Company 2017/18 Annual Report is awarded by DFA Design For Asia Award

Interview by CUTOUT Magazine Malaysia
今期 CUTOUT Magazine Malaysia有 Orange Chan 的專訪。

Our works Instinct of Sight 《Blend Abstrct》; Chui Tien You 《Thank You》和 WhyOceans 《Inmost Dens Of Emilie》are featured in the Famous Design Magazine IdN.
著名設計雜誌IdN 介紹了我們的作品 Instinct of Sight 《Blend Abstrct》; Chui Tien You 《Thank You》和 WhyOceans 《Inmost Dens Of Emilie》

Our work Breakazine Issue 57 special edition is awarded by 2019 Golden Pin Design Award.
我們的作品Breakazine 突破書誌 issue 57 十週年紀念號《留白》獲得2019 金點設計獎 Golden Pin Design Award.
We got 4 awards in HKDA Global Design Awards 2018, including 3 album packing design!
我們有4項作品獲得2018年度HKDA環球設計大獎, 其中3項是音樂專輯設計!